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Kade & Cameron (Something About Him Book 6) Page 10
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Page 10
The vibration of his phone in his back pocket and my phone in my front pocket was a double-duty shot of ice water straight to my libido. We broke apart suddenly, like two kids who had been caught doing something wrong.
Heated glances were shared as we pulled our phones from our pockets.
When I saw Myles and Evan on the screen trying to video call me, I took a deep breath and laughed. Cam smirked as he looked at his own screen then flipped the phone around to show me Declan and Justin attempting to video call him.
We moved back to our seats by the fire, the snake not completely forgotten, but the incoming calls much more important.
“Act sober,” Cam said, and I laughed out loud.
“Okay. You too,” I said, rolling my eyes.
As we both thumbed our phone screens to accept the calls, we heard four little boys giggling across the line.
“Daddy! We called you at the same time!” Myles said and Evan giggled at his brother’s words.
“We used Grandma and Grandpa’s phones,” Declan told me and Justin collapsed into a fit of laughter beside him.
Cam and I laughed at our boys. Scooting our chairs closer together, we held the phones so both our faces could be seen. In the background, I saw and heard my parents arranging the four boys so they could all be in the screen at the same time.
What followed was a lot of laughter and very little conversation. The boys all tried to talk at one time about the movie Ruth and John had taken them to, and about the bathtub fun at my parents’ house.
Finally, my parents told the boys to wrap it up. Cam and I said goodnight and I love you to our sons before hanging up. Without the little boy voices and laughter filling the night, the beach was very quiet. The fire was dying. The breeze had died down. And Cam and I were very much alone.
“So, you want to grab the bucket and dump some water on the fire?” Cam stood quickly and rubbed his hands against his thighs. “I’ll pack up the cooler and throw away the trash.” He dashed to grab the dropped flashlight.
Quickly tossing trash in the giant garbage can he kept by the beach, Cam worked to gather the empty Jägermeister bottle, the discarded cans, and the cardboard pizza box. Before I’d even moved from my chair, Cam had cleaned up our entire mess and even separated the trash from the recyclables.
Trying to wrap my head around the moment we’d had earlier and Cam’s attempt to act as if nothing had happened, I shook my head and stood. The world spun slightly, but I grabbed the bucket and dipped it into the lake. Three buckets full later, the fire had been drowned completely.
I folded the chairs and grabbed the cooler. As I headed up the hill toward the house, I felt, rather than saw, Cam pick up the second pizza box and follow me. The cool, damp grass soaked my feet as I tried to wipe a majority of the sand from my shoes as I walked. Leaving the cooler on the deck, knowing it would need washed out tomorrow, I took off my shoes before heading into the house. Cam did the same and followed me into the kitchen. I reached into the medicine cabinet and shook out four aspirin, handing two of them to Cam. He passed a water bottle to me. Our eyes never left each other as we popped the aspirin and drained the water.
“’Night,” Cam turned to leave the kitchen. Stopping, he looked back with a smile. “Remember, if you puke, you’re cleaning it up.”
I laughed. “Gotcha,” I said. “’Night.”
I waited until Cam was safely behind the door to his room before I made my way to my own. A quick shower, made only slightly difficult by the fact my head was still spinning, and I was ready for bed. Knowing I didn’t want to sleep the day away, I set my alarm for what would still constitute sleeping in, and collapsed into bed.
I rolled over to silence the obnoxious chirping of my phone. Before even opening my eyes, I ran a mental check through my body. Stomach was slightly queasy. Head felt a little funny. Mouth dry as fuck. But, overall, I knew I’d had much worse hangovers.
I slid gently from bed, still a little leery of moving too quickly. Walking across the hall to the bathroom, I immediately turned on the shower. As the water warmed, I relieved myself and then entered the gloriously hot water. By the time I was washed and dried, I felt even better and knew I’d dodged the worst of the hangover. Thank God.
I heard Cam’s shower turn on and hoped he was fairing the same.
Walking into the hall with just a towel, I noticed Cam’s door was open. Dressing quickly, I crept to his room and peeked my head around the corner. His bathroom door was closed, so I entered his room. Knocking quietly at the door, I smiled to myself when Cam’s questioning voice answered.
“Hey, you want a big breakfast or the leftover pizza?”
“Let’s go get breakfast. I want something big and greasy.” Cam called out. “I’ll be out in a minute.”
“Okay.” I smiled. The boys would be home later, but Cam and I still had some time. Add a hearty breakfast to that and it was a perfect Sunday in the making already.
The local diner was crowded, but we snagged a little booth at the back.
“Coffee. Black, please. And biscuits and gravy. With a side of bacon, please.” Cam gave the waitress his order.
When she turned to me, I copied Cam’s order exactly.
And then she was gone, and we were alone.
I sipped my water. “You want to talk about last night?”
Cam blushed. “Not really.”
“Probably should though, right?” I pushed.
Cam drained his own glass of water, looking around as if our waitress would magically appear to save him from the conversation. No such luck.
“Seriously, Cam, I have no clue how to deal with this.” I motioned between the two of us.
“I thought we had decided there was no this,” Cam whispered as he repeated my gesture.
“There’s clearly something,” I said. “But what do we do about it?”
“I don’t know, Kade. I really don’t. Neither of us are in the best of places right now.” Cam glanced at me before quickly returning his gaze to his silverware. “Believe me, I know there’s something between us. That’s not the issue. The issue is we’ve got four boys between us, I’m a widower, and you’ve got an unpredictable now ex-wife.”
Our food showed up then, and I took the distraction. We prepared our biscuits in silence. When I slathered mine with butter before dousing them in creamy sausage gravy, Cam raised his brow in question.
“What?” I asked, spooning gravy onto my plate.
“Sausage gravy and homemade biscuits aren’t enough? You need to soak them in butter, too?” Cam smiled as he spoke.
“Go big or go home. Tonight we’re back to spaghetti and fish sticks if the boys have anything to say about it.” I shrugged.
As we dug into our breakfasts, I thought about what Cam had said. “So we ignore it? Pretend it isn’t there?”
Cam swallowed a bite. “Yeah, I think that’s what we have to do.”
“And if it doesn’t go away?” I pushed.
“Let’s not borrow trouble,” Cam said.
I wanted to argue. I wanted to push for more. I wanted Cam to agree we could test this thing between us.
But, I also knew Cam was still missing Deacon. He wasn’t one hundred percent sure of my bisexuality. Hell, I knew I found men attractive, and I was definitely attracted to Cam, but even I wondered if it my interest in him was real or just loneliness.
I caught Cam’s dark eyes watching me, and I knew the answer to that question. It definitely wasn’t loneliness. My hand longed to reach out and take his. I wanted my mouth on his.
Shit. I took a huge bite of biscuits and gravy. I needed to stop thinking about it before I had a hard-on in the local diner.
Chapter 11
The boys were back home and our summer routine fell easily into place. Days on the lake, hikes through the woods, picnics, soccer, we did it all.
A garden was our newest project, and the bo
ys were loving it as much as Kade and I. We spent almost a week laying out and planting our new garden. We were too late to plant some things, but we’d have a nice little harvest by the end of summer and into fall.
As we put the finishing touches on the garden, Kade came to me with cold bottles of water. Sweat trickled down his chest. It was damn hot outside. I caught Kade’s gaze as it trailed down my body. I knew he watched the rivulet of sweat run into my waistband. The cold water did very little to cool my body.
“I’ve got an idea,” Kade said.
I gulped down the rest of my water, turning to check on the boys as they tramped through the woods. “Yeah? What’s that?”
“We give a dating site a shot,” Kade answered.
If I hadn’t already swallowed all my water, I know it would have sprayed all over Kade at that statement. “What? Why?” I sputtered my questions.
“We can use it to prove a couple things,” Kade replied.
“Like what?” I asked, my head still not wrapping around Kade’s idea.
“I can use it to prove it’s not just you I’m attracted to,” Kade stated.
“I’m not one hundred percent sure that’s going to be great for my ego, but go on,” I smirked.
“You can use it to see if it feels right to start moving on.” Kade continued his list of reasons.
I must have made a face, because Kade pushed on.
“We can show ourselves that this thing between us is just us being lonely and horny. And, we can take care of the lonely and horny issues, too. It’s a win-win-win.” Kade smiled triumphantly.
“So, we agree to date total strangers, prove you like dick, prove I can move on from Deacon, and we both get some action? That’s the plan?”
Kade shrugged. “Yeah, basically.”
“This is a terrible idea.” I stated flatly.
“It’s not that bad.” Kade countered.
“I want nothing to do with this. Even if I agree to it, I want it known far and wide that I did not come up with this idea.” I knew Kade would end up talking me into his stupid idea. He was good at getting his way.
“So, you’re on board?”
“I wouldn’t say I’m on board.”
“But, you’ll do it?” Kade prodded.
“Fine. But, I want a set number of dates. Once those are over, I want you to accept that I’m not ready to move on, and just let it go. I’m fine if you find someone you want to date, but I’m telling you I’m not ready for that.” My gut did a little flip-flop. Was I really okay with Kade dating?
“Deal. Three dates? Either three different people or three dates with the same person. We’ll discuss when we’ve both hit three.” Kade nodded, clearly proud of the plan.
“Are you going to look for men or women?” I asked, curious.
“Men. This is my time to explore. It doesn’t feel right to move on to another woman so soon after Stephanie. But, I can test the waters with men.” Kade’s explanation didn’t make a ton of sense, and it must have shown on my face. “Just go with it, okay? I want to try things with men.”
I shrugged. “Fine. Whatever.”
“This is going to be good. You’ll see.” Kade said.
“If you say so. Three dates.” I sighed. “But, then, you’ll let it go?”
“If that’s what we agree to after three dates, yes, I’ll let it go.” Kade agreed.
I rolled my eyes. Somehow, I doubted Kade would let it go so easily, but I had no choice but to believe him at that point.
Three weeks later, after weeding through a lot, and I mean a lot, of ridiculousness on the dating sites, I finally agreed to a date.
Kade approved my clothing and wished me luck as I headed out the door.
And he was there with a glass of wine when I came home and collapsed into his arms sobbing.
I had texted him at the end of the date and told him to put the boys to bed and pour me some wine. Kade did both of those things, and that fact made me sob more.
“Shhh, I’m sorry. Tell me about it,” Kade whispered in my ear, holding me tight.
I let him lead me to the couch. Swallowing the wine in a very undignified manner, I pulled off my tie. “It was terrible.” I wailed.
“Was he a jerk?” Kade winced.
“No, not at all. He was handsome, kind, easy to talk to,” I said, feeling silly and miserable.
“Then what happened?” Kade’s confusion was clear.
“He wasn’t Deacon,” I whispered. “And all I could think about was being home with you and the boys.” I collapsed into tears again, hoping Kade didn’t notice my snot on his shoulder.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m sure the first time is the hardest. But, you got that one out of the way. It will get easier now.” Kade offered comfort, but I wasn’t having it.
“Please don’t make me do it again.” I whined against his shirt.
“[S49]I mean, I won’t force you, but I think you’ll feel better if you do.” Kade held me tight to his side, murmuring against the top of my head. “I know it’s hard, but maybe it’s for the best?”
I sniffed and attempted to hold in a hiccup. “Maybe. I’ll think about it.”
In the end, the next two dates were just as bad. Nothing was wrong with the men I went out with, there was nothing between us, and all I could think of was being at home with Kade and the boys.
“Okay, I did the three dates. Will you accept that I’m happy with the way things are right now and not push me to date anymore?” I asked Kade after the third evening I came home miserable and emotionally wrung out.
Kade simply hugged me close to his side, “Sure, I’ll let it go.”
A few days later, Kade went on his third date. The first had been sort of a dud, but date two and three were with the same guy. Something about that needled at me and made my stomach feel weird. Stop it. You’re happy for him. He needs to explore and see where things go. Stephanie screwed him over. He doesn’t deserve to be alone.
Yeah, but what if he and this guy fall in love? Kade and the boys would move out. Then you’d be all alone.
Oh, for fucks sake. It’s a second date. It’s not like they’re getting engaged.
I blew out a frustrated breath as I walked to the bathroom to check on the boys’ bath. I’d already bathed Evan and Justin, and they were in their jammies watching a cartoon on television. But, the older two had begged to stay in longer.
“Just to play with our boats for a while?” Declan had pleaded.
Checking on them, I couldn’t help but smile at their little boy voices playing in the tub.
“All right, big guys, time to get out. You’re going to wrinkle like prunes if you stay in any longer.” I grabbed towels and helped Declan and Myles drain the water and put their toys back in the mesh bag.
Once they were dry, dressed, ears clean, and hair combed, the older two joined their younger brothers on the couch to watch thirty more minutes of television.
“Bedtime when this episode is done,” I said.
“Okay.” A collective voice chirped from the couch.
I heard a car door as I was leaving the boys’ room a half an hour later. Keeping their door open a crack, I walked to the darkened door to glance out.
The sight of a larger man pulling Kade into an embrace and then kissing him was a fist to my gut. My breath whooshed out, and I fought a wave of nausea.
I didn’t stay to watch any more of the show. Dashing from the door, I turned down the lights and settled on the couch to flip through channels. If Kade wanted to spend his evening making out in the driveway, that was fine with me.
Really? You don’t seem fine with it. I felt as if Deacon was sitting right next to me.
“Shut up,” I whispered.
I’m just saying. You could be kissing Kade instead of that Hulk wannabe out there.
“Shut up,” I whispered again.
You know Kade would rather be kissing you. He ba
sically begged you for that chance. Deacon’s words in my head weren’t unkind, but they were a kick to the nuts.
“Okay, maybe I screwed up,” I tried not to sound pouty. “But, I tried dating, and I clearly wasn’t ready for it.” I reminded the voice of my dead husband.
You weren’t ready for it with those other guys. But, be honest, it felt different with Kade, didn’t it?
God, how I hated to be wrong. “Yeah, yeah, it felt different with Kade.” I agreed reluctantly.
What are you going to do about it? Deacon prodded. I could almost see him sitting there with his arms crossed over his chest, a smug smile on his face.
“What can I do about it? He’s out there kissing another man. Pretty sure I’m a little late to catch that train.” I huffed. Feeling ridiculous, I fought the sting of tears in my eyes.
Nonsense. It’s a kiss. Tell him how you feel. But don’t wait too long.
The quietness of the house echoed all around me. I listened carefully for more from Deacon, but his words were gone.
Pinching the bridge of my nose, I exhaled. “Fuck.”
“What’s wrong?” Kade asked from the doorway.
Jumping a mile off the couch, I clutched my chest, “Shit! I didn’t know you were there.”
Smiling, Kade sauntered over to the couch.
I sat back down, my heart still trying to beat out of my chest.
“What were you talking to yourself about?” Kade asked.
“Nothing,” I answered quickly. Probably too quickly.
Kade squinted a look at me, but said nothing.
“How was the date? What’s his name again?” I asked, trying to sound interested yet not concerned at the same time. Pretty sure I failed miserably.
“Rob.” Kade answered.
I tried not to roll my eyes. Of course his name was Rob. It matched his big, burly personality. He was probably a total teddy bear underneath that massive physique.
“How was the date with Rob?” I asked.
Don’t be a bitch. I heard Deacon warn as plain as day.