Kade & Cameron (Something About Him Book 6) Page 13
He gasped for breath, his hips thrusting fast. “Yes, you can fuck me. Oh, fuck.”
Cam came all over my hand. Trailing his hand through his release, Cam gripped my dick in his slick hand and slowly pumped me. “Come for me so you can fuck me.”
The image of me fucking into Cam’s body was enough to have me shooting all over my stomach.
Later, our breath finally coming to us, Cam moved from my sticky body.
“I’m going to shower and take care of some things,” he said as he padded to his bathroom.
Realizing that meant he was preparing himself for sex later, I moaned deeply and headed to take my own shower.
I[PC53] held a hot and naked Cam close as we slept. The boys would be home the next day, but we still had the rest of the day and night together. I had no intention of wasting any of that time. But holding him in my arms felt as important and right as anything sexual, so I was content to sleep.
When we did finally rouse from our nap, our bodies made it very clear that they were ready for round three. Kissing Cam, I held his ass firmly in my hands as I thrust my cock firmly against his.
“Tell me what to do to get you ready, because I want to be inside you so fucking badly right now my dick feels like it’s going to split in two.” My words were said teasingly, but there was a lot of truth in them, as well.
“I’ve taken care of that for you this time,” Cam said.
Confused, I raised my brows in question.
Cam rolled and lifted his legs so I could see his beautiful ass. And the bright green butt plug he’d inserted.
“Fuck, that’s hot. I don’t know why, but it is.” I reached a finger out to trace the outer part of the plug. “When did you do this?”
“After my shower. We’ve got lots of time to learn and experiment, but I figured I could help things along this time. It’s been a long time for me, you’re not a pro at preparing your partner yet, so this seemed to be a good move.” Cam shrugged at the explanation.
“Can I play with it?” If he said no, I would have to physically restrain my hand from grasping at the plug and sliding it in and out of his body.
“God, yes,” Cam hissed.
Watching the plug slide into and out of his body, imagining what it would look like when it was my cock invading his ass, was quite a lot to take in.
“I want to spend a long time playing like this one day,” I said, trying to control the strain of my voice.
“But?” Cam gasped as I let the plug glide deep once again.
“But I want you too badly right now to spend much time playing,” I answered honestly.
“Take me,” Cam said on a shuddery breath.
I wanted nothing more than to remove the plug and plunge myself deep into his ass, but I knew we needed protection.
“I can’t even think about sex with no condoms until I’ve gotten clean tests for at least six or more months. Not with Stephanie sleeping around like she did.” I explained as I reached for the nightstand drawer.
“Shit, I hope there’s one in there,” Cam cursed.
Digging deep to the back of the drawer, I rummaged around until my hand landed on a lone foil package. “Jackpot!” I teased, but I felt immense relief to know we could continue what Cam had started with the plug in his gorgeous ass. “Definitely need to make sure we stock up.”
“I know there’s no lube,” Cam said.
“Wait, here’s some…,” I said as my hand closed around a tiny bottle. Pulling out the bottle of lotion, I squinted to read the label. “Lotion, not lube.” I popped the cap to smell it, jerking my head back quickly as the scent assaulted my nose.
“Yeah, just throw that back in there,” Cam said hastily.
“Why do you have Tootie-Frootie Bubblegum lotion in your drawer?”
“Don’t know,” Cam snapped, grabbing the lotion and tossing it back into the drawer before slamming the drawer shut.
“Oh my God,” I exclaimed as a memory hit me. “That’s the same smell that was in the truck the other day.” I narrowed my eyes at Cam. “Why did your truck smell like the very fruit-scented lotion you have in your lube-less nightstand drawer?” I had a feeling I knew the answer.
When Cam blushed, I knew I was right.
“Fine, I may have used it to jack off when I realized I had no lube in the house,” Cam said. “Happy?”
“Depends,” I reached over to stroke his cock.
Closing his eyes, obviously enjoying the contact, Cam breathed out. “Depends on what?”
Stroking him slowly, I leaned in to kiss him. “On who or what you were thinking of when you jacked off.”
“You know damn well what I was thinking of,” Cam snapped, but there was no real bite to his words.
“Tell me,” I trailed kisses against his ear.
“I thought about you,” Cam gasped.
“What about me?” I knew I was torturing him, but watching him fall apart at my touch was so very good.
“About you fucking me,” Cam growled, reaching to play with the plug.
“Don’t touch. That’s mine,” I batted away his hand. Continuing the pumping of my fist on his cock, I began to once again play with the plug, sliding it in and out of his hole. “Did thinking about me make you come?”
“Yeah,” Cam moaned his answer.
“I’m going to fuck you now, and I want you to jack yourself the way you did when you thought about me,” I whispered softly in his ear.
Cam all but sobbed when I removed the plug.
“Where’d you get the lube for the plug?” I asked when I recalled how slick his ass had been.
“Came in the package. Just a little sample,” Cam bit out his words. “Fuck, Kade, please fuck me.”
Ripping open the condom and rolling it down my throbbing length, I moved between Cam’s legs. “Can we do it this way?”
“Yes, yes, yes, just please do it,” Cam pleaded.
Lining up my cock with Cam’s pretty pink pucker, I pressed forward slowly. “You’ll let me know if it hurts too much?”
“It won’t, but yes,” Pulling his knees to his chest, Cam opened his body for my taking.
I watched as inch by inch my cock slid into his hot hole. Once I bottomed out with my balls flush against him, I paused to catch my breath. “You’re so fucking tight,” I gritted out between clenched teeth.
“Move, Kade. Fuck me,” Cam begged.
“Jack yourself off while I fuck you,” I commanded.
Cam’s whimpers and grunts as my body took his over and over were too much to stand for very long. Watching him stroke his own cock as mine disappeared deep into his ass was an overwhelming whole-body sensation.
“Cam, baby, I’m not going to last much longer. Can you come for me?” I placed my hands by his ears and continued to thrust into him.
Cam panted as he stroked himself. I set the rhythm of my cock in his ass to the same as his pumping fist on his cock. When I felt his balls tense, I slammed inside, grinding my cock deep.
His release spilled over his fist and onto his stomach as my own rushed through me to fill the condom. My cock throbbed in his ass, my breath matching the pulsing of my dick and the rhythm of Cam’s panting whimpers.
“Fuck, that was amazing,” I whispered in his ear. “Thank you.”
Cam smiled sleepily. “It was. Thank you.”
“Let’s clean up, sleep about an hour, and then grab some dinner.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“We’re going to have lots of t-shirts and towels to wash if we keep this up,” I teased as we grabbed a shirt and a towel to clean up our mess.
“Worth the extra laundry,” Cam said. “Right?” His question seemed unsure.
“Worth every damn piece of laundry from now until the end of time. You were perfect. That was perfect.” I kissed him deeply, pushing him back on the bed and wrapping him in my arms. “But, I need another nap.”
Chapter 15
> Later that evening, after two quick showers and another nap, we grabbed dinner at the local Mexican restaurant. As the hostess was seating us, I heard my dad’s voice from a nearby booth.
“Hey! Want to join us? We’ve got room.” Dad waved and motioned us toward his and Mom’s table.
I glanced at Kade, unsure if he’d want to eat dinner with my parents. I should have known better though. Kade returned Dad’s wave and gestured toward the table. “Might as well, huh?” Kade smiled and made his way toward my parents.
“You boys kid-free tonight?” Dad asked.
“Yeah, my parents have the four hooligans. They’ll be home tomorrow.” Kade answered while he scanned the menu.
I’d always found it annoying that my parents sat on the same side of the booth even when it was just the two of them. But, at that moment, it put Kade beside me in the small pleather seat, and the press of his thigh against mine was not annoying in the least.
“What are you getting?” I asked.
“Pork tacos or that chicken thing with all the cheese,” Kade said.
“How about you get the tacos and I’ll get the chicken and we can split it?” I suggested.
“Sounds good.” Kade closed his menu and dug into the chips and salsa on the table.
Once we’d ordered, we went through another basket of chips talking and laughing with my parents. By the time our food arrived, my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. My denim-clad leg was on fire from being pressed against Kade’s for so long. And I had to wonder how many of the accidental brushes of our fingers as we reached for the chips were truly an accident.
Midway through the meal, I noticed my mom and dad’s lingering gazes on Kade and me. Kade was too into his meal, but I could feel their eyes upon us. When I’d look at them, their gazes would flit away quickly.
Finally, I couldn’t take it any longer. “What?” I asked, exasperated. “Is there something on my face? Did I get salsa in my hair?”
Kade glanced at me and then at my parents.
Mom blushed and Dad looked sheepish at being caught.
“Nothing,” Mom said quickly. Too quickly.
“No, you’ve been staring at us for half the meal. What’s up?” I asked again.
Kade nudged me with his leg under the table.
Mom and Dad exchanged glances, and then Dad shrugged.
“Well,” Mom began. “We couldn’t help but notice that the two of you have become very close since Kade moved in.”
Ah-ha. Mother’s intuition and all that at its finest.
I turned to Kade, trying to gauge if he was on board with where the conversation appeared to be heading. He nodded. Well then, okay.
“Kade and I have always been friends. Living together has been a big help for both of us, and the kids are thriving.” I answered without really answering.
“What Cam means to say is we’ve decided to try a relationship and see where it leads,” Kade said, placing his hand on my leg in a protective, comforting gesture.
“So you two are together?” Dad asked.
“Yes,” we answered together and smiled.
Dad harrumphed.
“Is that a problem?” I asked. Dad hadn’t really been on board when I told him I was gay, but he had mellowed over the years, and I felt he’d come to accept me for who I was.
“Just on my wallet,” Dad said, shaking his head.
I frowned.
“Your dad and I had a little bet going. I won. He owes me new curtains for the living room and kitchen,” Mom said, beaming.
“You guys bet on us getting together?” I asked, not sure whether to think it was funny or offensive.
“No, no one would have guessed you two would end up together at the beginning.” Mom shook her head as she explained. “But, after that day I watched you with the boys on the boat, I had a feeling.”
“She mentioned it to me, but I thought she was crazy,” Dad said. “Damn woman’s intuition and mother knows best. Curtains are expensive.”
I couldn’t help but laugh by that point, and Kade joined in.
“Do the boys know?” Mom asked.
“No, this whole thing is practically brand new. No one else knows. Well, except you guys,” I said.
“Good chance the whole town will know after tonight.” Dad’s words held a warning.
“Why’s that?” Kade asked.
“First, you two sort of have a glow about you. Anyone with two eyes can see you’ve got a thing for each other.” Dad rolled his eyes.
Kade and I smiled, and I felt his hand squeeze my thigh.
“What’s second?” I asked.
“Well, Janice and Joann were in here when you walked in. They watched our table like hawks before they left. I’m sure they are on their phones right now spreading the news,” Mom said, wrinkling her nose in obvious disgust. “Those two women need to learn how to mind their own business.”
“It’s okay. People are bound to find out sooner or later,” Kade said.
“Does your ex-wife know you’re gay?” Mom asked.
“I’m bisexual,” Kade corrected. “But, no. Stephanie didn’t know.”
“Son, you know how this town works. If you want something to be kept secret you’re plumb out of luck,” Dad advised.
“We’ll deal with it as it comes along,” I said.
“You boys know we’re happy if you’re happy.” Mom smiled. “Kade, how are your parents going to take the news?”
“Not real sure,” Kade answered.
“Well, you let me chat with Ruth. John can talk to your dad.” Mom nodded as if it were all decided. “But, don’t try to hide it. Tell them soon.”
“I will. It’s just unnerving to think about how much it could change things,” Kade said.
I reached over and took his hand.
“I’m sure it is. But, your parents love you. They love those beautiful boys of yours. I think they’ll come around.” Mom assured.
“Hope so,” Kade said.
“If I can adjust, I’m sure they can as well,” Dad said before taking the final bite of his burrito.
Dinner didn’t go as planned, but it turned out better than we could have expected. We had my parents on our side. Now, we needed to gather Ruth and John onto the team. I was willing to go it alone, fighting for what Kade and I had, but it was a daunting thought. Having family in our corner would make the whole journey somewhat easier.
Two weeks later, the four boys were practically salivating as they waited for their friends to arrive for the summertime bash Kade and I had planned.
Myles and Declan both invited two friends while Justin and Evan were having one friend each. Kade and I had decided against a sleepover with ten boys of different ages, but the party was planned to last well into the night.
Our parents had come over to help, and several of kids’ parents were going to hang out, as well. It felt good to know we’d have help. Kade and I were good fathers, but two adults against ten kids with a lake and woods around us was daunting.
“What time is it?” Myles bounced a ball around the driveway.
“Only about ten seconds past the last time you asked,” I said. Laughing at the look on his face, I shooed him to the backyard. “You guys have about an hour before your friends show up. Why don’t you and Declan make sure the path through the woods is clear. And clean up the fort back there.”
Myles’ eyes lit up. “Oh, yeah, good idea!” He ran off yelling for Declan. Justin and Evan immediately followed, determined to be wherever the older boys were.
Kade came around the side of the house laughing at the boys. “Where are they off to?”
“I sent them to make sure the path through the woods was clear and the fort was clean. Figured that would help them kill some time,” I answered.
The door to the house opened into the garage and my mom stuck out her head. “Would you boys come out back? Your dads are attempting to set things up, but Ruth and I are afraid they are going to
hurt themselves or break something.”
I laughed. “Sure thing.”
Kade and I turned toward the back of the house, but I found myself pushed to a spot between a cabinet and the upright freezer. With my back pressed against the wall, I immediately felt my pulse increase. With no words, Kade lowered his mouth to mine, his hands cupping my face. Opening to him, I savored his tongue as it slid against mine.
When I realized the whimper was mine, I knew we needed to slow things down. Breaking the kiss, I pushed lightly at Kade’s chest. “Not that I’m complaining, but what was that for?” I asked breathlessly.
“I just wanted to kiss you,” Kade answered before dropping one more kiss against my lips. “If things seem okay out back, I think it’s time to tell my parents. And, no matter how they react, I want you to know I’m still on board with this.”
“Yeah?” I smiled at him, my heart doing flip-flops. “That’s good to hear. I’m on board, too. I guess it’s a comfort that we at least have my parents, right?”
“Yep,” Kade said. “And I’m hoping we can continue this a little later tonight.” He kissed my forehead. “And tomorrow during naptime, if we can work it out.” He brushed his lips across my eyelids. “And again tomorrow night after bedtime.” I whimpered again when his lips touched mine and his arms wrapped around me to pull our bodies close together.
“I’m on board with that, too,” I said when we broke apart. “But, we should go help our dads before they throw out their backs.”
I was blown away by the beautiful summer day as we rounded the corner to the back of the house. The vibrant green woods provided a cool shaded area all around the yard, a soft breeze floated on the air, and the lake lay before us like a platter of sparkling diamonds.
Having the boys, Kade, and my parents sharing my life in such a gorgeous setting made me smile. I realized in a moment of surprise that I would always miss Deacon, but I was honestly and truly feeling happy and content. For a split-second, I felt guilty, but then I remembered Deacon made me promise to love again and be happy. Did I love Kade? It was too soon to say that, but I knew it wasn’t out of the question.
With the four boys romping through the woods to my right, the lake spread out before me, and Kade to my left, I smiled as we walked to assist our fathers with the picnic table they were moving.