Kade & Cameron (Something About Him Book 6) Read online

Page 14

  Once the tables and some lawn chairs were set up, the fire pit was prepped, the brush pile was stacked and ready to light a little later, and the coolers were filled with ice and beverages of various types, so the six of us sat down to relax before the guests arrived.

  After some small talk, Kade cleared his throat, and I fought the urge to reach for his hand. I knew he was anxious as to how the conversation would play out.

  “So, I had something I wanted to talk to you about.” Kade’s words were directed at his parents.

  “Would it be better if we left you three alone?” my mother asked. I hated the offer because I didn’t want to leave Kade on his own, but I understood why she did it.

  “No, I’d like you all to stay, please,” Kade answered and cleared his throat again.

  A silence reigned over our group for several moments. The only sounds were the boys’ laughter, the leaves rustling, and the occasional boat out on the lake.

  Kade ran both hands through his hair before raising his head to look directly at his parents. “I’m bisexual.”

  His mom and dad simply stared at him for several long seconds as Ruth reached for John’s hand across the gap between their chairs.

  “What does that mean?” Ruth asked softly.

  “It means I find both men and women attractive,” Kade said.

  “And?” John asked.

  “And, Cam and I are attracted to each other and are going to give this thing between us a shot.” Kade reached for my hand as he spoke.

  “Are you sure this is something you want to do? What if you two don’t work out? What if Stephanie comes back?” Ruth asked.

  “Yes, I’m sure. We’re sure,” Kade stated. “There’s no guarantee about any relationship working out. But, Cam means a lot to me, and I want to give us a chance.” Kade ran a free hand through his hair. “As far as Stephanie is concerned…I really don’t know how things will play out if she comes back. But, I feel like that’s a bridge we can cross when we get to it. No need to borrow trouble and worry about something until it happens.”

  My dad bristled at Kade’s words. “So, are you saying Cam is just a filler or a fun little tryst until your ex-wife comes back?”

  Mom reached for Dad’s hand and gave it a squeeze.

  “I’m just saying, Brenda. I don’t want Cam being a bit of side action until Kade is over some phase.” Dad was still bristly.

  “Don, I assure you that Cam is not just filler. My bisexuality isn’t something new, and it’s not a phase. I’ve been attracted to both females and males for a long time. I’ve just never acted on it.” Kade went on, nonplussed. Although, I could tell he hadn’t expected the grilling from my dad.

  “You always did seem to fancy a lot of the basketball players more than the cheerleaders in high school,” Ruth mused.

  “What’s this going to do to the boys?” John asked.

  “Well, we will likely get them enrolled in gay classes very soon so that we can efficiently and effectively turn them gay, or at least bisexual,” Kade’s words dripped with sarcasm.

  “Don’t be a smart ass,” John stated dryly. “I mean, do you think it’s going to make things rough on them at school and around town?”

  “Are you more worried about the boys or what this may do to your and mom’s reputation?” Kade asked, his words bordering on icy.

  “Kade, we love you.” Ruth spoke calmly. “No matter what. We’ve lived in this town a long time. Any friends who can’t accept our son, aren’t really our friends. Anyone else who can’t accept you would have never been our friends to begin with. But, I think your dad has a point. How will it affect the boys?”

  “At this point,” I started, drawing strength by squeezing Kade’s hand, “we plan to let our living arrangement continue as is. We will slowly introduce our relationship to the boys. But, until then, they know we all six live together and are extremely happy.”

  “We will deal with trouble if and when it arises,” Kade said.

  “Are you sleeping in the same bed?” John asked.

  “Not that it’s really any of your business, Dad, but no we aren’t.” Kade rolled his eyes, his hand gripping mine fiercely.

  “If it affects those boys in any way, it is my damn business. I’d be asking you the same question if you’d shacked up with a female. I don’t want the boys exposed to things too early.” John’s words were biting, but I knew he spoke them from his heart with true love for his grandchildren.

  Kade took a deep breath. “No, we aren’t sleeping in the same bed around the boys. We are grown men and good fathers. I’m pretty sure we can make the right moral decisions for our children. We promise not to corrupt them.”

  Again, Kade’s words had turned sarcastic.

  “Okay, the guests will be here soon. We should table this discussion until later.” Mom spoke up cheerfully.

  “Good idea,” Dad agreed. “John, let’s get this fire pit started up. And we need to get the sticks for the wiener roast and marshmallows later at the bonfire.”

  “Ruth, let’s go grab the beach towels. I’m sure a lot of the families will forget to bring theirs.” Mom gestured to Kade’s mom and the two women headed into the house. I figured Mom would have a little heart-to-heart with Ruth while they rummaged around for extra beach towels.

  Kade and I left Dad and John to the fire pit and headed into the woods to check on the boys. As we walked away from the older men, I overhead my dad speaking.

  “It’s not the end of the world. I know it may seem like it is right now, but I promise it’s not as bad as it seems. Come on, let’s light the fire.”

  John muttered something, and I turned around the see Dad slap him on the back.

  I hoped my parents could help bring Ruth and John around.

  “Nice to have Brenda and Don on our side,” Kade spoke bitterly.

  “Hey, they’ve had a lot longer to come around to my sexuality. Give your parents some time. At least they didn’t explode and disown you.” I put my arm around Kade and pulled him close as we walked. “Let’s just have fun with our boys and their friends.”

  Kade looked at me and smiled. “You’re right. I guess it could have gone much worse.”

  We headed deeper into the woods as we followed the boys’ voices.

  “Want to scare them?” I asked.

  “Of course,” Kade said, grinning at me like an overgrown child. “You go left, I’ll go right. We’ll come at them from both sides.”

  “We’re sort of terrible,” I said.

  “Nah, we’re dads and guys. It’s what we do.” Kade spoke lightly. “What kind of dads would we be if we didn’t try to scare the piss out of our kids every so often?”

  “I used to love when my dad would scare me,” I said. “I mean, I hated it, but I also loved it.”

  “See? We’re providing them with some great memories.” Kade leaned in and kissed my cheek as we separated.

  I’m sure the boys’ screams could be heard all the way into town. We could only laugh as the boys promised to get us back.

  Chapter 16


  The boys’ party was a few hours in when we finally dragged them from the lake. Gathering around the roaring fire, careful to keep the kids a safe distance from the flames, we roasted hotdogs for the masses. Condiments, chips, and a large pot of macaroni and cheese were brought to the table from the kitchen while hot dogs were plated and consumed with great gusto.

  Once the kiddos were dried and fed, we sprayed them down with bug spray and let them head off into the woods to enjoy the last bit of sunlight before twilight fell.

  Mom, Brenda, Dad, and Don trouped off into the woods with the boys, while the remaining adults made our own plates of food.

  Cam and I ended up sitting around the fire with some of the parents who had stayed for the party. We had iced up enough beers to be sure no one who needed to drive home would be over-partaking, but the cold, crisp drink partnered with the distinct flavor of a fire-roasted hotdog was
enough to take me back about twenty-five years to campouts at my grandparents’ farm.

  I was ripped from my reverie and thrown straight into reality when Dustin spoke up.

  “So, how’s Stephanie taking the fact that you and the boys are living with Cam?” Dustin was a local dentist, and I knew he and his office staff heard plenty of the town’s gossip.

  “I’m not sure she knows. And, honestly, I don’t care.” I fought to keep the bitterness from my voice.

  “Oh, she knows,” Kelly, Dustin’s wife, stated with a huff. “I saw her in town the other day. She was spinning tales for anyone who would listen about how you’d sold the house right out from underneath her and basically kidnapped the boys.”

  Cam shifted in his seat beside me. Without thought, I reached for his hand. I needed his support and comfort in that moment more than I needed to worry about what people thought of our relationship.

  “When did you see her?” Trying to stifle my panic, I wondered just when Stephanie had come back to town.

  “Couple days ago at the craft store. Funny, I’d never really seen her in the craft store before, but I guess she knows it’s the best place to find all the town busybodies[S54].” Kelly nodded toward our joined hands. “I don’t know that she truly believed the ladies who implied you and Cam had something more than friendship going on. But, Kade, you and I both know it won’t be long until she figures it out and uses it against you[PC55].”

  We all sat for several moments, only the sounds of the boys tramping through the woods and the popping of burning logs could be heard.

  “So, what do we do? Search her out, confront her?” Cam asked.

  “No, I think you guys keep on the exact way you have been. Provide a safe, stable home for the boys and be there for each other.” Dustin didn’t seem phased by Cam and I sitting side-by-side holding hands. And, honestly, I didn’t expect him to mind. Dustin had grown up on the east coast and had a much more open mind than many of the town’s local residents. “Don’t hide your relationship, but I wouldn’t go parading it through town though. Sort of lay low and see what Stephanie does next. I’d contact your lawyer, Kade, and make sure you’ve done all you can on that end. Since Stephanie hasn’t contacted you yet, I’m guessing she’s not ready to confront you. Seems like she’s maybe testing the waters, digging around to see what she can find. It’s no secret her name is mud around these parts after what she did to you and the boys. Wait her out, keep an eye on her[PC56]. If you’re lucky, she’ll hang herself.” Dustin’s words made sense, but they didn’t help the rising panic in my chest.

  “I’ll call my lawyer tomorrow. Stephanie left before we had any chance to settle any custody issues. But, I’ll fight for those boys with everything I have.” My voice cracked as I fought against tears.

  “We’ll fight together.” Cam squeezed my hand. “You[PC57] have a whole tribe on your side. Stephanie is a pariah in this town after what she did. Maybe in this case, living in a small town and having friends in high places will help your cause. Both judges who hear family court cases are friends of our families. If it comes down to a court case, maybe that friendship will be a good thing.”

  I glanced at the two men and two women sitting around the fire with us. Dustin and Kelly were clearly on our side.

  “Can I trust you all to keep things quiet and not let Stephanie get any ammunition to use against me and the boys?” I asked the whole group, but my question was pointed at Jake and Callie.

  “Are you kidding? I’ve despised that woman since the moment I met her. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure she leaves town soon and without those boys.” Callie’s words were blunt and genuine. Jake smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

  “Okay, I think it’s time to get some laser tag started.” Cam rubbed his hands together, his face breaking into a wicked smile in the firelight. “Will you all keep us updated on anything you see or hear in regards to Stephanie?”

  With silent nods of agreement, we cleaned up the mess from dinner and hollered at the boys to come get suited up for laser tag. My gut was clenched in nervous anticipation of what Stephanie may have been planning, but I pushed it down. My boys’ happiness was the only thing that mattered at that moment.


  “Are you okay?” Cam asked me as he walked into the living room after checking on the boys.

  I smiled wearily at him. Patting the couch, I motioned him to come sit by me. “They all asleep?”

  “Yes,” Cam answered. “Don’t try to avoid my question.”

  I stared blankly at whatever show was playing on the television as I thought about his question.

  “I’m scared. I knew she wouldn’t stay gone forever. I don’t like not knowing what she’s planning and what is going to happen.” Letting Cam pull me close and I reveled in the freshly showered scent of his skin and the warmth of his embrace. “I want my boys safe and happy by my side.”

  “And what if the only way to achieve that is to reunite with Stephanie?” Cam’s question cut deep into my already anxious psyche.

  “I don’t know,” I whispered. “I want to say I’d flat out refuse. But, if the only way to keep my boys in my life is to put up with her, I’m not sure I’m strong enough to say no.” Tears formed in my eyes. “The thought of leaving what you and I are starting tears me apart. The thought of living a loveless lie with her makes me sick to my stomach. But, the thought of only seeing my boys a day or two at a time? That’s a thought I can’t even fathom.” Hot tears streamed down my face as I gave serious thought as to what I may lose and endure in order to keep my boys. “I’d be dead inside if it came to that, but I’d do it for Myles and Evan.

  “Shhh, let’s deal with it one day at a time.” Cam’s voice was choked with tears as he whispered in my ear. “Tomorrow, you call your lawyer. Make sure Stephanie can’t take the boys. Get advice on what to do next. Don’t borrow worries or trouble.”

  Lifting my head from Cam’s chest, I let his mouth softly capture mine. My heart beat in fear of the unknown, but my body yearned for Cam’s touch. “Need you,” I murmured against his lips. “Need you so damn bad.”

  “I’m here. I’ve got you. I’m not going anywhere,” Cam answered before cupping my face and kissing me deeply. “Let me take care of you tonight.”

  I could only nod and follow willingly when Cam pulled me from the couch. Knowing we’d have to be completely silent, we headed to Cam’s room and locked the door.

  “Get on the bed.” Cam’s words were a whispered command and my body responded to his uncharacteristic dominance. He slowly removed my clothing before shoving me gently to the mattress.

  Reaching into the nightstand, Cam removed a condom and a bottle of lube. Placing it on the table, his eyes never leaving mine, he made short work of his own clothing and joined me on the bed.

  Leaning in to kiss me, Cam roamed his hand down the length of my body. “All of this is mine tonight.”

  I whimpered against his mouth, arching my hips from the mattress in search of his hand on my aching cock. Never had I felt so needy. Never had I craved a touch so badly. Never had I wanted to hand over every single bit of control to a lover. But, with Cam, my body and heart wanted all of those things.

  “Shhh, baby, we’ll get to that. I own you tonight. It’s only us, no one else is invited in to what we have.” Cam’s words were exactly what I needed to hear. I didn’t want to think of the troubles that lay ahead. I didn’t want to worry about Stephanie and lawyers and custody battles. At that moment, I only wanted Cam. The fact that he knew what I wanted and needed was like an arrow to my heart. My gorgeous, caring, supportive friend, my generous lover, Cam knew me. He cared for me. He was taking care of me body and mind.

  “Grab the headboard and don’t let go,” Cam commanded right before his hand gripped my cock. My hips rocketed from the bed and I bit my lip to keep from moaning out loud. When Cam’s tongue swirled around my leaking head, I could only throw my head back and enjoy the ride.

sp; Cam’s tongue, mouth, and throat worked together to bring me to the edge over and over again. Just when I thought he’d let me come, Cam backed off and smiled wickedly as he gripped the base of my dick and kept me from exploding. “Not yet, baby. Remember, you wanted to try edging. And you’re so beautiful when you’re right there on the edge of ecstasy. I could do this all night long.”

  I panted in frustration. “I need to come, Cam. And I want to touch you.” Reaching for him, I immediately retreated when Cam smacked at my hand.

  “Nope. I’m in charge. No touching. For now.” Cam smiled. “Hmmm, what was the other thing you said you wanted to try? Ah, I remember. Rimming. It’s a night of firsts for you.” Cam released my throbbing cock and lifted my ass to expose me wholly to him.

  I had showered after the party. And my extreme curiosity about Cam’s enemas had gotten the best of me at the same time, so I knew I was completely clean. But, that didn’t make having my ass on display right at his face any more comfortable.

  “Cam, you don’t have to do that,” I panted out the words in a strangled whisper.

  “You cleaned yourself for me,” Cam stated.

  “I was curious how the enema worked, that’s all,” I explained, knowing I hadn’t done a very good job of hiding the enema box in the trash.

  “Curiosity killed the cat,” Cam crooned, his breath hot against my hole. “You’re absolutely beautiful, Kade.”

  My cock wept all over my stomach as his lips brushed along sensitive skin. When his tongue traced the edge of my hole, I could only choke out a garbled sob of pleasure.

  Cam devoured my ass while stroking me right to the precipice of orgasm several more times. Fiery tears fell from my eyes as I felt my body enter a hazy euphoria. I’d never experienced such a strong physical and emotional connection with anyone. When Cam reached for the condom and lube, I nearly sobbed in relief.

  “Cock rings are the next lesson. And someday, I’d love to thrust my cock deep in your ass. But, not tonight.” Cam’s words were quiet, but they reverberated in my head. Without a moment’s hesitation, I knew I wanted Cam to fuck me.