Kade & Cameron (Something About Him Book 6) Page 15
“Do it now, I’m ready,” I begged.
“No, I’m in charge tonight. As much as I’ve enjoyed all of this, I’m about to come all over myself, and I’d much rather have your cock deep in my ass when that happens.” Cam spoke as he sheathed my length. Dribbling lube into his hand, Cam prepared my cock and then reached for his own ass.
My cock rejoiced as Cam sank his body down its length inch by glorious inch. The tight heat was almost more than I could take. Watching Cam’s head thrown back in pleasure, his lip caught between his teeth, and his cock bobbing between us snapped something inside of me.
With a low growl, I reached for Cam’s hips and held him tightly as he rode my cock. I sat up, shifting our position, and Cam cried out as I filled him completely.
“Shhh, don’t wake the boys,” I admonished as I kissed him deeply and nibbled at his lips. With my arms full of Cam, and his body full of me, we rocked together until we both shattered. Cam’s ass milked my cock as his own release painted our torsos. My mouth absorbed his broken moans just as his silenced my gasping sobs.
The sweat cooled our heated bodies as we continued to hold each other close.
“Fuck, that was amazing. You’re amazing.” I kissed him again and gently thrust my softening length into him. “Thank you.”
“For what? That was as much for me as it was for you.” Cam shuddered as his cock attempted to throb to life again.
“You knew what I needed. Knew I needed you to take charge.” I pressed my forehead against his. “It’s like you know me as well as I know myself.”
“I think it’s because I love you,” Cam said with shy hesitation.
My heart soared, my throat filled with tears, and my world came to a screeching halt. “Well, I guess that’s a good thing.”
“Yeah? Your ex-wife is slinking around town. How is me loving you a good thing?” Cam asked, amused anticipation decorating his face.
“Because it would be weird for me to love you without you loving me back,” I said.
“Say it again,” Cam begged.
“I love you.” I kissed him, breaking only to whisper the words again. “I love you so fucking much. My heart hurts with how much I love you.”
Cam kissed me wildly then, pressing his mouth hotly against mine and allowing our frantic tongues to slide deep.
“I’m scared, Kade,” Cam whispered.
“I am, too,” I admitted.
“Losing Deacon was devastating, but we had time to prepare. Losing you, after we just discovered each other, will be the same catastrophic loss only I’ll have to see you around town and know you’re with that heartless bitch in a loveless relationship.” Cam’s tears flowed at that point. “Don’t misunderstand me. Your boys are the most important thing and I completely one hundred percent get why you’d need to work things out with Stephanie[PC58]. I mean, I understand that this area is very pro-mother and she has a very good chance of winning full custody. I get why you need to keep things civil. But, it doesn’t make it suck any less.”
“Shhh, maybe it won’t come to that. I’ll do anything for my boys. But, the thought of losing you and having to make nice with Stephanie…,” I swallowed in panicked disgust. “I don’t know how I’d do it. I love you, I can’t lose you.”
“But, for the boys…,” Cam started.
“For the boys, I will fight until my last breath. But, I’m not sure that having them around Stephanie is what is best for them.” I kissed him again as I slid from his body. “Let’s shower and sleep. We can look at things more objectively in the morning.”
Checking once more on the boys, wrapped only in the towel I’d used to clean us both off, I returned to Cam’s room as he started the shower.
Standing under the hot stream, Cam and I loved on each other silently.
The clock read well-past midnight when we fell into bed. “The boys will hopefully sleep late. Set your alarm so I can get to my room before they wake up.” I waited for Cam to set his phone before pulling him to my chest, the feeling of his body wrapped in my arms thrilling my senses.
“Kade?” Cam asked sleepily.
“Will you say it again?” Cam pleaded.
“You never have to ask. I’ll say it every day for the rest of our lives. I love you. I love you. I love you.” Kissing the top of his head, I hugged him tighter.
“I love you, too.” Cam sighed. “I thought Deacon was a loon when he said he wanted me to love again. He’d be so happy to know we found each other.”
“You think?” My question was genuine.
“Definitely. He liked you, admired you, respected you. I know he’d be pleased with you being my ‘love again’ person.”
“Mmmm, I like that. We can be each other’s ‘love again’ person.” I mused. “My love with Stephanie turned out to be fucked up. I wasn’t sure I wanted to love again.”
Cam’s sleepy words floated on the air as we both fell into a deep sleep. “To loving again.”
Chapter 17
Kade met with his lawyer early the next morning. She assured him that, legally, they had all the paperwork in place to keep Stephanie from getting the boys until an initial court hearing could be set up. She had advised him earlier to print out or screen shot anything that seemed to paint Stephanie in a bad light, and to keep a journal recounting the times she left the boys, spent time with them drunk or hungover, and disappeared for long periods of time.
He filled me in on the conversation he’d had with the lawyer. “I never thought I’d be in a situation where I had to keep notes and track my wife, but I’m glad I did what the lawyer advised. Luckily, I have an email from Stephanie stating that she wanted nothing to do with the house and how she ‘couldn’t keep up with a house.’ Some of the things she sent me in texts and emails will really help in showing her as an unfit mother. I don’t expect to get sole custody of the boys, although that’s what I want. But, I’m hoping to get at least primary custody. I won’t tear their mother from their lives, but I don’t want them around her for long periods of time. What if she leaves them alone to go party again? Or takes them to that old man’s house so she can have sex with him?”
Kade’s face turned pale likely thinking of all the what ifs he faced with Stephanie and the boys.
“School starts next week. We need to focus on getting the boys ready and enjoying the last bit of summer. Tonight, let’s make shopping lists for school clothes and school supplies and we can hit the stores tomorrow.” I suggested the outing in hopes of taking Kade’s mind off things while also getting some back-to-school shopping done.
“Taking four boys school shopping sounds like a nightmare of epic proportions,” Kade grimaced as he spoke.
“Let’s see if either or both sets of parents could watch them while we take the day to get errands done.” I knew we’d get a lot more done if we shopped without the boys. Plus, a day out with Kade sounded like the perfect way to spend the last bit of our break from school.
“Okay, that sounds better. Let’s make our lists and a game plan so we can knock out the shopping first. Then we’ll have time for dinner and a movie. Maybe the boys can have a sleepover at the grandparents’ house.” Kade seemed as excited about the plan as I was.
Our parents all came over for a very late lunch that day. When we told them of the plan, they all jumped at the chance to have the boys. It came down to an agreement between the two older couples. Mom and Dad would have the boys on our shopping day and night. John and Ruth would have the boys the next day and overnight. Kade and I were almost giddy with excitement of getting two kid-free days and nights to ourselves. Even the best parents need breaks from time to time.
“Okay, this coupon is only good during ‘Early Bird’ hours, but if we don’t beat the crowd at the school supply section, it will be all picked over.” Kade eyed the kick-ass coupon we’d scored for the clothing we needed for the boys, but he was right about the school supply sectio
n getting picked over quickly. One issue with living in a small town was having to travel farther to get to the bigger stores. But, even with a bigger store, we knew the sale flyer that had come out the day before would draw in a huge crowd of deal-crazed shoppers.
“How about this? You go to get started on the clothes shopping. You can grab the basics we know the boys need. If you have time, pick up some extra pieces. But, be sure to get in line before the early bird time cutoff. While you’re doing that, I’ll start gathering up school supplies from their lists. Depending on who gets done first, we’ll meet up and make plans for the next stop.” The plan wasn’t great since it meant we weren’t shopping together like we’d planned, but it was the best idea to make sure we got what we wanted and needed. Kade and I were on the same page when it came to defeating a shopping trip like a boss.
“Perfect. Here’s the supply list. I’ve got the clothing list.” Kade leaned across the car’s console to kiss me. “May the force be with you.”
We chuckled. Grabbing him by the back of the head, I pulled him back in for a deeper kiss. “Love you,” I murmured against his mouth.
“Mmmm, love you, too.” Kade sealed his words with a final kiss.
Climbing from the car, we each headed our separate directions in the shopping district of a neighboring city.
I was happy to see that we’d beat the bigger crowds with our early arrival. Grabbing a cart and armed with my supply lists, I started down the Back-to-School aisles. The fact that Kade and I had itemized each list the night before made the shopping a ton easier. Instead of looking at multiple lists, I could look at one list and know how many glue sticks, packs of pencils, notebooks, and more we needed. And, of course, we had a section labeled for the extra supplies we knew the kids would need during the year.
I fell into a happy place as I grabbed up scissors, folders, markers, and crayons.
My cart was jostled roughly as someone rammed into it. Jerking my head away from the selection of dry erase markers, I prepared to accept the apology that had better be coming my way. Instead, I came face-to-face with Stephanie.
“Cam, nice to see you. Getting some early shopping done for your boys?” Stephanie’s voice dripped with disdain and my gut told me she somehow knew I was with Kade today.
I glanced down at my cart, filled with nothing but school supplies, and fought the urge to shoot her a sarcastic smart-ass reply. No need to poke the sleeping bear. And, it made me laugh inside to know that my cart was filled with supplies for Kade’s boys, as well. If only I could rub that in her face. But, no, I would be mature. Someone had to be.
“Yep, can’t believe school starts again so soon. Figured I’d better get the shopping done,” I replied conversationally, attempting to keep my words light and easy.
Stephanie had my cart pinned into a corner section, and I realized quickly that she had positioned herself so it would be difficult to extricate myself and the cart without a lot of struggle. Not wanting to cause a scene, I played it cool and let Stephanie lead the conversation.
“Listen, Cameron, I had hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but you’ve given me no choice.” Stephanie’s words were low as if she was trying to keep our interaction hidden from the rest of the shoppers.
“Come to what?” I asked, genuinely wondering where she was going with it all.
“Don’t play dumb, Cam, it’s not a good look on you.” Stephanie trailed a perfectly manicured nail down my arm. “Tell Kade that I’ll be out to your house on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays to take the boys.”
Like hell you will. “Is this something that Kade and the lawyers have worked out?”
“I don’t need a lawyer to tell me when I can see my boys. Since I’m not comfortable being around the relationship you and Kade have, I’ll take the boys each evening and bring them back by midnight.” Stephanie spoke coolly, as if she really thought her suggested plan would fly.
“The boys will be starting school next week. They can’t be out late on school nights,” I said, fighting the urge to roll my eyes.
“I’m their mother. I know what is best for them.” Stephanie moved her cart and prepared to walk away. “Tell Kade to have them ready on Tuesday at five o’clock. If he doesn’t, I’ll cause trouble, I promise.”
Watching her walk away, I stamped down the urge to immediately call Kade. Forcing myself to finish the shopping, I texted him when I was in the checkout line. Kade was checking out too, so we agreed to meet at the coffee shop next door in ten minutes.
I didn’t want to ruin our day by adding to Kade’s anxiety, but I knew I had to tell him about my run in with Stephanie.
“What the fuck? I need to call my lawyer and let her know Stephanie basically threatened you in a public area.” Kade ground his fingers against his temples. “And there’s no way in hell I’m letting her take the boys three evenings a week. Not until some sort of legal agreement forces her to bring them back. I’m seriously afraid she’ll run off with them.”
“I agree. Call your lawyer. I’ll order us some coffee and breakfast.” I laid a hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Go on, make your call. You’ll feel better once you do. And I’ll call your parents and mine and make sure they know to keep an eye out for Stephanie in case she decides to come visiting.”
Thirty minutes later, our phone calls were made and we sat huddled together in a small corner booth with our coffee and scones.
“Does she really think she can just show up and take the boys?” Kade mused anxiously.
“She sure sounded like she thought she’d do just that,” I said.
“Maybe I should take all four boys somewhere on Tuesday evening and see what happens when she shows up. I’d rather none of the kids witness a scene, and having them away from the house may make for the easiest, although temporary, solution.” Kade thought his plan out loud.
“That sounds like a good idea. You could take them bowling or to a movie. Have your parents go with you. I’ll have my parents come over and we can intercept Stephanie if she makes good on her threat of showing up.”
“Can we finish our day together without thinking about Stephanie? Please?” Kade pleaded, the stress and frustration and fear evident in his words and on his face.
“Of course. Let’s finish up the shopping for the boys and do a little splurging on ourselves. Then we’ll do lunch and a movie.” I reached for his hand as we walked to the car. “I’d like to be home early tonight.”
“Why?” Kade looked confused.
“Because I have plans,” I said.
Kade’s face fell. “Oh, um, okay.”
“Plans to keep you busy in my bed. All. Night. Long.” I bumped my hip against his as we walked.
“Now that’s a plan I can support,” Kade said, laughing and pulling me close to his side.
The rest of our day was perfect. We had a great selection of clothing for all four boys to start the school year with. Kade and I picked up some new pieces for our own new school year. But, Kade still seemed antsy at lunch.
“What’s bothering you? I mean, aside from the fact that your ex-wife has shown herself to be a psycho.” I attempted to keep the conversation light, but I knew Kade had a lot on his mind.
Kade’s knee bounced and he took a deep breath. Over his plate of fish tacos he whispered hesitantly, “I think I want to bottom for you.” He glanced around to be sure no one was listening. Luckily, no one was near or they would have gotten an earful. “But, I’m not sure I’ll want to do it all the time. I mean, I like topping you.”
I smiled at his adorable nervousness and the topic of our conversation. “Baby, I will bottom for you until the cows come home. No worries. But, I’m all for letting you spread your wings a little and see what you like.”
“So, you’re okay with taking it slow and letting me bottom tonight?”
“I’m pretty sure that can be arranged. Now, finish your food, we need to get home.” I nodded toward his plate. “In fact, let
’s get boxes to take the rest of this home.”
Kade gave me a confused look. “What? Why? What’s wrong?”
I lowered my voice. “The man I love just told me he wants my cock deep in his virgin ass. I really don’t have time for lunchtime pleasantries. I need you home, naked, and in my bed. Like five minutes ago.” I signaled the waiter and asked for boxes and our bill.
“What about the movie?” Kade asked as the waiter approached.
“We can watch a movie anytime,” I answered before turning to address the waiter.
“Is everything okay, sir?” The poor waiter seemed confused and worried.
“The food and the service was great, but something’s come up and we need to get home. Thank you.” I handed the man my credit card and took the boxes he delivered. By the time he returned with my receipt, we had the food loaded into white Styrofoam, and all but knocked each other over getting out of the restaurant.
As we pointed the car toward home, Kade blurted, “Wait.”
My heart sunk. It was okay if he was having second thoughts. Bottoming wasn’t for everyone. “Changing your mind?”
“No, nothing like that. I just thought maybe we could hit that sex toy store before we headed home.” Kade blushed as he spoke.
“Yeah?” I felt my eyes bug and my cock swell. “What were you thinking of getting?”
Kade blushed a deeper red. “Well, you promised a cock ring lesson. And, if I’m going to bottom, I want to get a plug like the one you had to help get me ready.”
“This day keeps getting better and better,” I said in awe.
“And we’re not even naked yet,” Kade teased.
I did a U-turn and sped to the sex toy store, Kinky. I was more of an anonymous online shopper, but if Kade wanted to buy sex toys, who was I to make him wait for them to be shipped?