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Kade & Cameron (Something About Him Book 6) Page 16
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Page 16
By the time we left the store fifteen minutes later, we were laughing hysterically.
“That had to be the fastest and most awkward shopping trip ever.” Kade howled with laughter as we climbed back into the car with our hasty purchases.
“That poor girl behind the counter didn’t know what to make of us. I thought she was going to pass out when you busted through the door and demanded butt plugs and cock rings. I can’t imagine we were her wildest customers, but she sure looked like she was about to die of embarrassment.” I laughed as I thought of the girl pointing down the aisle and the two of us practically sprinting to grab matching cock rings and a plug for Kade.
“We gave new meaning to the phrase in and out.” Kade laughed.
Once we arrived home, we unloaded all of our purchases from the day. Storing the boys’ school clothes and supplies in the playroom to sort through at a later date.
“One hour,” I said while pushing Kade against the kitchen counter.
“Until what?” Kade asked, nipping at my neck and rocking his hips against mine.
“We get one hour to prepare ourselves. Then the rest of the night is spent in bed.”
“What do I need to do?” Kade asked.
“Do a couple enemas, take a shower, and insert the plug.” My words weren’t romantic, but real talk was sometimes necessary.
“I thought we’d play with it,” Kade said.
“Oh, we will. But, it’s best to get it in and let it stretch you for a while.” I kissed him deeply, reaching my hands down to cup his ass. “And be sure you get the ring on before you’re too hard.”
“Got it. See you in one hour.” Kade hesitated on the way to the bathroom.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m not sure if I’m more worried I’ll like bottoming or not like bottoming,” he said.
“Baby, no worries. If you like it, it doubles the fun for us both. If you don’t, it’s still doubles the fun. As long as I get my hands on you, and our dicks get together, I’ll be happy whether giving or receiving. Promise.” I assured Kade with a slap on his ass and a kiss to his lips.
An hour later, we met in the hallway on the way to my room, both of us wrapped only in a towel.
“You okay?” I asked.
Kade was flushed from the warm shower, but he looked tense, as well.
“I feel like I’m going to come all over myself. I’m afraid I’ll blow the second you touch me.” Kade cupped a hand to his cock. “And the cock ring is a little like a sweet treat and torture device all in one.”
“How’s the plug?” I wrapped Kade in my arms, feeling my own cock squeezed by the ring as I reached for his ass. Dropping his towel to the floor, I ran my fingers into his crack and played with the end of the toy.
Kade moaned, fisting his cock and arching his ass. “God, that feels good.”
“It’s going to feel so much better before we’re through,” I promised.
Kade whimpered as my mouth captured his and we made our way to the bedroom. Lowering our bodies to the bed, I rolled Kade to his back so I could take in his beautiful cock and ass.
“Wait, before I lose myself completely, I want to touch you and taste you,” Kade protested and rolled so I was on my back. “God, you’re so fuckin’ hot,” he groaned as his hands caressed over first my nipples and then my cock.
Without wasting any time, Kade lowered his head and took my already straining dick in his mouth. Tonguing my slit, Kade made his way lower until he could take both swollen balls into his mouth. With a fist lightly pumping my cock, Kade’s tongue traced along my body until he reached my hole. No warning and no hesitation, Kade kissed my sensitive skin before spearing his tongue into my body. I took the teasing pleasure for as long as I could stand before I rolled him once again to his back.
“You’ve had your fun. Now it’s my turn.” I spoke softly as I reached for the plug. Grabbing lube from the drawer, I dribbled some around Kade’s hole and began a slow in and out of the toy. Enjoying the stretch of his body as the toy pressed slowly into him and pulled slowly out, I continued to work his hole as I leaned up to suck his cock to the back of my throat.
“Fuuuuck,” Kade moaned, his hands waffled between gripping my head and fisting in the sheets. “Please, Cam, fuck me.”
“We have all night. No need to hurry,” I cooed before taking him deep again while wiggling the toy deep in his ass.
“We have all night, so we can go slow later. I need to feel you in me. I need to come. Please, baby, fuck me.”
“Well, when you put it that way.” I teased the toy from his ass and licked his leaking slit once more. Grabbing a condom, I poured an extra generous amount of lube into my palm to slick my cock and his ass.
“This won’t be the most comfortable thing at first. Tell me to stop and I will. But, if you can give it a chance, I think I can make it good for you,” I spoke nervously. It had been a very long time since I’d topped anyone.
“Cam?” Kade panted as he climbed on top of me.
“Yeah?” I huffed as I held my dick at his entrance.
“Shut up and get in my ass,” Kade growled as his dark eyes flashed. He sank himself down on my cock slowly as I fought the innate desire to thrust myself hard and deep.
I felt the moment my cock breached the tight ring of muscle fighting against my invasion.
Kade tensed and winced against the pain.
Fisting his cock in my hand, I stroked him through the pain until his body gave way and allowed me to slide deeper.
“Fuuuck, Cam,” Kade moaned.
“Want to stop?” I asked, praying he didn’t.
“Hell, no. It’s so damn good. It hurts, but it’s a good hurt.” Kade moved his body up and down as he rode my cock. “Fuck, I’m going to come like a damn horny teenager,” Kade panted, trying to slow his body’s response to my cock in his ass.
I gripped his hips and began to thrust deep into his body. I knew the moment I’d hit Kade’s sweet spot by the way he groaned and bucked against me.
“What the fuck was that?” Kade demanded.
“Meet your prostate, baby,” I said as I thrust again and again, doing my best to hit that spot each time.
“Cam, I’m going to come,” Kade panted, fisting his cock and pumping.
“Come for me,” I commanded, knowing as soon as Kade shattered, I’d have no control over my own orgasm.
Kade’s release painted my stomach, my chest, and dribbled down my chin as his ass squeezed my throbbing cock. Roaring my release, I pulsed jet after jet into Kade’s ass. He collapsed onto my chest, our stomachs sandwiching the white ropes of come between us.
“You okay?” I asked, attempting to breathe normally but failing.
“Yeah. You?”
“Mmmhm,” was all I could muster[PC59].
Kade winced as he lifted himself from me and my cock left his ass. Grabbing a towel from the floor, he cleaned us up as best he could and I tied off the condom and tossed it in the trashcan. Gathering me in his arms, Kade fell back to the mattress. Moments later, when our bodies were coming down from their highs and I could hear more than the blood pounding in my ears, we removed the cock rings[PC60] and tossed them to the floor.
“Well, what did you think?” I asked, genuinely curious as to what Kade would make of his first bottom experience.
“It was amazing. I’m definitely not going to want to do it again for a while, I’m already a little sore. I’d do it again for sure…,” Kade said.
“But?” I sensed his hesitation.
“But, I have big plans for later that include my cock in your ass, so I hope you’re ready.” Kade teased.
“Give me a twenty minute nap and I’m all yours,” I promised.
Kade made good on his plans, fucking me multiple times throughout the night. By the time we finally wore ourselves out for good and started to drift off to sleep, we noted that the sun was a pink glow on the black horizon.
“Did you hear something?” Kade asked.
��Probably some raccoons messing with the trashcans. We’ll clean it up when we wake up.” I answered. I heard the crash again, but my body was too exhausted to worry much about it.
We slept the sleep of death until the sun was shining so brightly into the window that we could sleep no longer.
“It’s past noon,” I groaned. “We should get up so we don’t waste the entire day.”
“What should we do today?”
“Clean up the mess from the coons first. Then maybe laze about on the lake? We haven’t taken the boat out for a few days.” I knew a day lazing in the warm sun was about all the effort I could muster.
“Sounds good. Showers then breakfast. We’ll head out after we check on the mess from those damn coons.” Kade rolled from bed.
Later, as I let the hot water beat down on my tired body, Kade barged into the bathroom.
“It wasn’t coons,” he announced.
“What was it?” I asked, wiping the water from my eyes.
“I’m going to guess it was my bitch of an ex-wife, but there’s likely no proof. I already took pictures, but I want you to see it and call the cops before we clean it up.” Kade bit out.
The mess left by the vandal was pretty much superficial[PC61], but it pissed me off nonetheless. Trashcans knocked over, garbage spread all over the lawn. And, it screamed of Stephanie, although Kade was correct that there was no hard evidence against her.
By the time we made a police report and cleaned up, the day had gotten away from us.
“If Stephanie made the mess, it bothers me more than just the general inconvenience. Makes me wonder what she’s thinking and what she’ll do next.” Kade climbed from the shower to dry off while I finished washing.
“Agreed. And, what if the boys had been here. The noise would have likely woken and scared them. She’s creating chaos with no regard to her sons or anyone else.” I turned the shower off.
“I’m going to make sure the attorney knows about the vandal and our suspicion it was Stephanie.” Kade pulled on a pair of shorts and an old t-shirt. “I don’t want to waste more time thinking about her right now. What do you want to do with the rest of our day?”
“Let’s order in and watch a movie today[PC62]. We can do the boat tonight.” I suggested.
“Mmmm, sex on the lake sounds perfect.” Kade wagged his brows at me.
“Sounds like a fruity drink,” I teased. “But, I’m on board with it.”
We laughed and flopped down on the couch to pick a movie. Within minutes of the opening credits we had both fallen fast asleep.
Chapter 18
Sex on the lake turned out to be even better than the fruity drink Sex on the Beach. I had enjoyed every single second of Cam taking my body earlier that day. But, having him under me, my cock thrusting deep into his ass as the boat rocked on the dark lake was an experience I could live over and over again.
We spent the night with our boat anchored in a little cove of the lake, arms and legs tangled together. Waking with Cam in my arms as the lake awakened, awash in the early morning glow of the sunrise, I knew without a doubt that I would love him forever.
“Make love to me,” Cam whispered into the early morning stillness.
I rolled enough to reach for the last condom and the almost empty bottle of lube. “We need to restock,” I said.
“It’s a good problem to have,” Cam murmured as I sheathed my cock and slicked his ass with the cool lube.
Holding Cam in my arms as we lay on our sides, I pressed into his body. Letting the ripples of the lake set the rhythm of our lovemaking, I coaxed one last orgasm from Cam’s body before my own slowly overtook me.
An hour later, we awoke again. Sweaty, in need of a shower, and completely sated. “Best boating trip ever,” Cam teased.
“Agreed,” I said. “Now, let’s get back to shore, shower, and go grab some breakfast. I’m starving.”
“Maybe today we can actually watch that movie,” Cam suggested.
“Speaking of movies, I need to see what’s playing tomorrow. I’ll need to decide if the boys and I are going bowling or to a movie. We’ll leave about four o’clock so we can be sure to miss Stephanie if she actually shows up.”
My parents and I loaded up the boys in Mom’s mini-van a little before four o’clock the next day, and we headed to the closest town with a movie theater. The boys were thrilled to be watching the newest kids’ movie, my parents were thrilled to be with us, and I was…well, I was glad I had my parents’ help to keep the boys entertained and away from the house.
Dustin and Kelly knew Stephanie had threatened to show up and they were planning to keep a close eye on Cam and the house. Brenda and Don had arrived shortly before I left with the boys, and they promised to stay as long as needed.
My parents knew why I was anxious, so when my phone buzzed five minutes into the movie, they shooed me from the dark theater to take the call.
Dustin’s name lit up my phone screen.
“Yeah?” I asked, worried about what was going on at home.
“We’re sitting on the front porch sipping tea. She just pulled in. She had a cop follow her.” Dustin’s voice was low as he gave me the play-by-play.
“Do you think she knows you’re watching or talking to me?”
“Nah, she hasn’t even glanced this way. No way she can hear me let alone know who I’m talking to. Want me to let you go or keep you in the loop?” Dustin asked.
“I’ll stay on the line. What’s going on now?” I knew Cam and his parents would remain level-headed. I knew the boys were safe. But, I was scared about what Stephanie’s next move was going to be. And why did she bring a cop?
“Your parents and Cam came outside to greet them. Stephanie looks angry. She’s gesturing a lot and now her hands are on her hips.” Dustin paused to take a drink. “Looks like the cop is telling her to calm down.”
I paced the theatre’s hallway, wishing I could be there to stand by Cam, but glad I had the boys far away.
“Cam’s going inside. Don is chatting up the officer,” Dustin said with a chuckle. “Leave it to Don to make a buddy during a tense situation.”
“More than likely, Don knows the guy. Seems like Don knows everyone in town or everyone knows of Don.” I had to smile. Stephanie likely brought the officer as a show of force, and she probably didn’t like Don being friendly with him.
“Cam’s back outside now. Has a folder with him. He’s showing the officer some papers,” Dustin said.
“Probably the papers from my lawyer. Good job, Cam. Proves Stephanie can’t take the boys anytime she wants.” I blew out a sigh of semi-relief. “What’s going on now?”
“Stephanie’s pissed. She’s stomping all over the driveway and flailing her arms.” Dustin laughed at something Kelly said in the background. “The cop is calm, cool, and collected. Stephanie doesn’t seem to like anything he’s saying.”
There was a pause in the commentary before Dustin continued. “Oh, she’s marching to the door like she’s going to walk right into Cam’s house. The officer has stopped her and motioned her back to the driveway.” Dustin paused again. “Dude, she’s totally the one who messed with the trashcans the other night.”
“Why do you say that? What’s she doing?”
“Well, I guess it’s not hard proof, but she just kicked at one of the trashcans and tried to look all ‘oopsie daisy’ innocent. Cop isn’t too impressed at this point.” Dustin explained.
“Why is she wanting to go in the house?”
“Looks like maybe she doesn’t believe the boys aren’t home,” Dustin said. “She’s not happy about it, but it appears like she’s going to stay outside while Cam shows the officer around to prove the kids aren’t home.”
“Good for Cam not letting her in the house. I don’t want her knowing anything about where the boys are sleeping or eating or watching television.” My skin crawled as I thought back to the crashing trashcans as Cam and I fell
asleep. Had Stephanie really been right outside the house? Would she have been able to see in the window and see Cam and I together? “So it’s just Brenda, Don, and Stephanie outside now?”
“Well, the neighbors on both sides have come out to work in their yards or enjoy the sunshine. Pretty sure they’re out there to spy on what’s going on.” Dustin observed.
“Says the man giving me play-by-play,” I responded wryly.
“Good point.” Dustin laughed. “Don is talking to the neighbors. Don’t know how the guy does it, but it looks like he’s already got the neighbors on his side based on the daggers they’re shooting at Stephanie.”
“I’m learning more and more that she wasn’t exactly the most well-liked person in town even before she had an affair and ran off on the boys and me.” Many people in town had felt the need to tell me how much they despised Stephanie.
“Okay, Cam and the officer are back outside. Looks like the cop is telling Stephanie that no one else was in the house. She’s fuming, but she’s turning toward her car. Cop tips his hat. Looks like it’s done for now,” Dustin said.
“Don’t sound so disappointed,” I joked. “It’s a good thing that nothing more happened.”
I heard Kelly pipe up in the background and then Dustin whistled. “Oh wow, she’s turned back around and is stalking toward Cam. The officer was already climbing in his car so she got a head start on him.” Dustin stopped briefly. “Ouch, that had to sting. She said something to Cam and then smacked him. I’m not kidding, the bitch just slapped him straight in the face.”
I gripped the phone so tight I was lucky it didn’t break. My blood boiled and I had to take a deep breath to calm myself. Yelling in the theater would only create a scene I didn’t need to be part of.
I heard what sounded like Kelly protesting and arguing with Dustin about going over to check on Cam and give Stephanie a piece of her mind. Eventually, Kelly settled down and Dustin continued.
“Cop isn’t at all happy with her now. He’s about to lose his cool and calm demeanor.” Dustin chuckled. “Shit, he’s yelling at her and pointing her toward her car. Stephanie is pissed, but I think the officer is even more pissed.”