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For Nicky Page 6
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Page 6
“Sorry, Dad, it’s just that I went out with Audrey once and it was once too many. She hated my Jeep, acted appalled that I suggested burgers and shakes, and let’s just say we had a little fun later that night but there’s NO WAY I could see myself dating her. She wore her clothes too tight, too bright, too much makeup, too much hair stuff, way too much perfume, everything about her was just way too much. Not to mention she seems really snotty and stuck up and wanted to be in control of EVERYTHING from the radio to the bedroom. But, you’re right, calling her a freak was rude and I’m sorry. Now, what about this other sister? She’s gorgeous, but you know how I’m always so suspicious of people being nice to Nicky. Is she really as great as Nicky thinks she is?”
“Well, Son, first, I’m not thrilled to hear about this first date ‘we had a little fun’ stuff and your mother would be in quite the tizzy if she had heard what you just said. Second, a lot of people are friendly to Nick with no ulterior motive.”
“Elizabeth does seem the exact opposite of Audrey, in a good way. I’ll try to stop being so suspicious and remember that if Nicky likes her she must be okay. I’m just so used to defending him from the jerks. Elizabeth is certainly pretty; I’ll try to give her a chance, although I may have already turned her against me with my suspiciousness of her. But, I’m letting you know right here and now, if Mom tries to set me up with Audrey, I’m going to have to politely decline!”
Chapter 17
“Yum! Look at that fine man!” Beth looked to where I was pointing and frowned.
“Yeah, he’s pretty hot, Audrey,” she replied.
I admit, I had gone on a date with Nate Morgan and it pretty much sucked. He drives a Jeep which is NOT hairstyle friendly, he took me to a local burger joint, and the sex later that night was pretty blah. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy it, but I’ve had better for sure. It’s a shame; maybe he bats for the other team? That would explain why the sex wasn’t mind-blowing. I’m wondering if I should try to hook him up with Anthony. But, day-um, that man is FINE! Maybe I should give him another chance. It’s not like I want to date him exclusively. I really just want to get my hands back on what’s under those jeans and have a little fun.
“I’m totally going to score that piece of ass tonight, Beth.”
“I’m sure you will, Audrey, I’m sure you will.”
Huh? I wonder what’s got Beth sounding so down? Surely she didn’t think SHE had a chance with Nate, did she? Poor girl, when will she learn to set her sights a little lower? She’s never going to land a guy in my league. And, if she ever did, I’d make sure to stop it before it even got started. Well, time to go work my magic. I’m so glad my hair and boobs are looking perfect as usual.
Chapter 18
Oh shit. Here comes Audrey Decker. Damn, there’s no place for me to run. I guess I’m going to have this conversation whether I like it or not. God, could she look any more ridiculous in those pink shoes? It’s a fall party at a community center, not a strip club in Vegas. And her boobs are about to pop out of that silly shirt. I know I had sex with her, but I can’t even remember her boobs, and I’m usually a boob man. I guess I really was detached if I can barely remember the sex. However, that damn perfume. My mind definitely recalls that scent and not in a good way. I can seriously already smell it from here and it makes me want to puke while simultaneously bringing back nauseating memories of our one night of hooking up. Then I notice her sister watching. God, she’s beautiful, like gut-punch beautiful, but her eyes look so sad. I offer her a smile, while in my mind I want to offer her anything and everything to make her eyes sparkle in happiness. What the hell? What happened to feeling suspicious of Elizabeth? And when have I ever wanted to make a girl’s eyes sparkle in happiness? When I smile at her, she turns away to paint a sign. I feel a little bereft at her obvious rejection.
“Hey, Sexy!” Audrey purrs into my ear.
I swear to God she just tried to grab my junk. “Hey, Audrey, how’s it going? Great party.”
“Well, Stud, I could plan an even greater PRIVATE party for the two of us a little later if you know what I mean.”
Crap, I don’t like to be hurtful, but this has to stop. “Listen, Audrey, you’re a pretty girl, but I just don’t see anything happening between us. At least not again, I mean. I’d like to be your friend but I’m not looking for anything more. And, as your friend, I want to pass along the old adage that less is more. You are beautiful, you don’t need the heavy makeup or perfume or the tight, bright clothes. Tone everything down a bit. And, by everything, I mean the come-ons too. You could be an awesome date but not every guy is into the pawing and constant sexual innuendos. Get to know a guy, see where it goes. You deserve to be happy, stop playing the field and see what happens when you let the real Audrey show her side.”
I leave Audrey standing and walk across the parking lot to find my family.
Chapter 19
What. The. Hell?! Yep, he’s sooooo very gay. Whatever! Like he even knows me! We went on one crappy date, had some mediocre sex, his loss, not mine! There are plenty of men who would be thrilled to sleep with me tonight! I don’t need Nate Morgan in order to have a good time. I’ll make my own good time.
Chapter 20
Shoot! Here comes the whole Morgan family. I’m not sure what just happened between Nate and Audrey but he walked away and she stomped away looking stunned and pissed. And, now, I get to face Nicky’s family when I know Nathaniel thinks I’m the freaky one. Time to plaster on the fake smile. Here goes nothing; I have to remember why I’m doing this. It’s for Nicky.
Chapter 21
“Nate, remember my friend, Miss Elizabeth? She’s the librarian at the center. She helps me pick out books to read. Miss Elizabeth, I know you met Nate, but here he is again. My mom wants him to marry you and give her babies! Can I read my book to you? I’ve been practicing; Nate helped me practice.”
Chapter 22
What?!? Oh my goodness, this is AWKWARD! The book, yes, the book. Maybe we can ignore the marriage and babies comment! John and Cindy look embarrassed, but Nate has a smirk on his gorgeous face and a mischievous twinkle in his eyes like he’s trying not to laugh. What, is he enjoying the freak obviously being embarrassed? Ugh, what a jerk! How can Nicky be so sweet and innocent while his brother is so rude and aggravating?
Chapter 23
Oh Nick, I thought we weren’t going to mention the marriage and babies thing. The poor girl is mortified. But, I’ll be damned if she isn’t even more gorgeous with that pink flush on her cheeks. I meet her eyes planning to give her a wink, but all I see is sadness and hostility. What the hell? Is she mad at me; did I already screw this up like I told my dad I feared may have happened? Damn, my stomach feels all jumbled like it used to before a big game. I feel my cheeks warm and my breathing increases as I watch her. My jeans suddenly feel very tight in a certain location. God, this girl……no one, ever, has caused these feelings in me. And, just my luck, she seems to hate me because of my previous behavior. Thankfully, Nicky is reading his book to her. I walk away in hopes of adjusting myself and getting “Maverick” to calm down. Damn, I hope that my wariness of her over the past couple weeks hasn’t put her off of me. I hope she can understand that I just have to be protective. For Nicky.
Chapter 24
Luckily, Nate’s sexy smile and breathtaking eyes sauntered away (albeit, rather awkwardly) while Nicky was reading to me. “Nicky! That was fabulous! I’ll help you pick a new one on Monday. Now, excuse me, I have to check on the party. You all have fun!” I bid farewell to the Morgans and head off to see how the party is going.
As I was finishing checking on all the activities, my stomach growled so I headed to the food tent. Once I had loaded my plate, I found a seat. I was thoroughly enjoying my treats when I heard the most glorious deep voice
and look up into the clearest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. “Is this seat taken?” asked a smirking, eye-twinkling, hunk of a man. Seriously, when had I ever thought of a man in those terms? Something was seriously wrong with me. “Help yourself,” I replied, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. But I failed miserably and my voice came out all high-pitched and breathless. Nate lowered himself across from me and immediately grabbed a chunk of caramel apple from my plate! “Hey, get your own food, Buster! These treats are MINE!”
“Whoa, Girl, calm down.” Nate replied with a smile. “I’ll go get my own plate if you promise to be here when I get back.” Nate’s eyes looked at me with pleading and his eyebrows raised in a silent question. I gave a non-committal half-shrug. Who am I kidding? I’d come up with any reason to still be here when he comes back. I need to keep reminding myself that he called me a freak and not let him sweet talk and charm me. I won’t fall back into the old any boy who shows interest in me mindset of dating from high school. I got burned with that, I’ve got to be careful this time around, even as a grown up.
Chapter 25
Why does this pretty girl seem so hostile and not into me? During our earlier meetings she seemed a little hurt that I was so wary of her but now she seems pissed and determined to be detached from me. I wouldn’t call myself a player per say. Yes, I’ve had a lot of sex, however, I don’t have to play on a girl’s emotions to get her; I’ve never had trouble getting a girl to at least smile once I flash a little grin at her. I know I was pretty standoffish to her the couple times we ran into each other, but I’m hoping I can fix this. Hmmm, Elizabeth, I wonder if she’d let me call her Libby? She seems like a Libby. Everyone else seems to call her Elizabeth or Beth but she looks like a Libby to me. My Libby. A special name just for me to whisper in her ear. God, slow down, Morgan. She can barely look at you without a growl, I think nicknames may be getting a little ahead of yourself.
I loved the fact that Libby…..Elizabeth…..had a plate loaded with food. It means she’s not the rabbit food, pick at a meal, pretend water is enough for a meal, type of girl. She eats real food and enjoys it. I head back to the table with my own plate loaded down, determined to figure out why she seems to not like me and scared to find out she’s not there. I smile when I see she’s still sitting there, enjoying her hot apple cider and pumpkin spice bread. I swear, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a prettier girl before. I sort of feel like she has me under some magic spell. It’s slightly disconcerting; I don’t dislike it, but it’s a new feeling for me. Her hair is this gorgeous dark brown and so thick, I want to run my hands through it. My mind strays to a darker place where I have a vision of MY Libby on her hands and knees with me behind her, gently pulling on that hair while she moans….damn, again, Morgan, slow the train down. You spent the last couple weeks being a total prick toward her and she appears to be very uninterested in you right now. Reign in the fantasies. Great, now Maverick has jumped to attention again. Luckily, I can hide him under the table.
“So, Miss Libby, you don’t seem to like me very much. Care to share your reasons?” I ask as I sit down. I love the look of shock and then slight softening in her bewitching grayish-green eyes when I call her Libby. My heart tells me I need to make it my mission to always surprise her and soften those wary eyes. My head tells I need to choose my words carefully and tread softly.
“Listen, Nate, people know I’m shy and awkward, but surprisingly, I don’t feel that way around Nicky, your parents, and you so it seems. So I’m just going to come out and say this straight up. One, my sister is hot for you. I don’t interfere with who she dates or has sex with and I won’t come between you two. Secondly, I’ve been in Audrey’s shadow her whole life. Never the popular one, never the pretty one, never the loose one. I’m the shy, freaky sister, the one Audrey had to coerce a boy into kissing and dating only to screw him herself for the year that he was dating and having sex with me. I’ve heard about how freaky I am all my life from her friends and boyfriends. I know I’m a freak. Third, I accidentally overheard you and your dad talking and I heard you say the words the pretty one and not the freaky one. SO, even though I think you are extremely attractive and you seem to be a good guy, I’m sure you can understand my reasons for not getting to close to you.”
Libby stands and gathers her trash and walks away while I sit there with my mind racing and my mouth gaped open. What the hell? So many things are running through my mind…..she’s definitely not shy with me and I’m pretty sure I like it. I like that sass. I like that she spoke her mind and put me in my place. But, wait, she’s encouraging me to date her sister? She thinks she’s the not pretty one? Who gave her that idea? Who let her think that? Ten bucks says it was Audrey. Why would her father allow that? And, shit, I hurt her feelings even though it was a total misunderstanding. I grab my own trash about 10 seconds after Libby walked away and bolt out of the tent to follow her. I had to make this right.
Chapter 26
LIBBY! He called me Libby. I’ve always loved that nickname but never felt I could ask people to call me a certain nickname. When I mentioned I liked Libby as a derivative of Elizabeth, Audrey had snorted and said it reminded her of a Barbie doll and since I obviously didn’t look like a Barbie doll it would be a stupid nickname.
But Nate called me Libby! Right before I boldly ran down a list of why I couldn’t like him. Not to mention I threw in there that my sister had to set up my first kiss and then spent the next year screwing my boyfriend and then I told him I thought he was extremely attractive. Awesome! Where’s my shyness when it comes to Nate? It obviously took a flying leap because I spoke to him very freely, not once worrying about what he may think of me.
I was in the community center, walking into my office to collect myself, when a firm hand grabbed my elbow and shut my office door quietly. Nate faced me and lifted my chin with his finger so I could look into his eyes. His eyes were hard yet sad. “Libby, I am so very sorry about hurting your feelings and we will work through that total misunderstanding and asshole move on my part in just a bit. But, first, we need to talk about your other reasons. Number one, I had one disastrous night with Audrey and I see ZERO dates in our future. I’m sure your sister is a nice girl, but she’s not the girl for me. And, before you say anything, I told her that exact thing not even an hour ago.”
Ah, so that’s why Audrey had stomped away looking totally peeved. She doesn’t do rejection well. Before I could say anything, Nate went to his next point.
“And, two, I can’t believe you’d ever think of yourself as the not pretty sister. Sure, Audrey’s nice to look at, but she’s just too much and not real. You have genuine beauty from your hair to your lips to your body to those eyes of yours…..plus, you’re a beautiful person on the inside too. You’re real and honest. I have seen you interact with Nicky; if he likes you then you’re perfect in my book. I know I was rude to you in the beginning, I’ve just always been so used to protecting Nicky, and I automatically jumped to the wrong assumption that you might hurt him. Watching you with him while he read his book proved to me that you truly care about Nick, as well as your other students. I can’t believe I’m going to say this because it’s 100% NOT my usual conversation with a girl. But……you are seriously, without a doubt, the prettiest girl I’ve ever laid eyes on. And, I want to kiss that sweet pink mouth of yours right now. God, I want to so badly, but we need to straighten out a serious misunderstanding first because it’s killing me that I hurt your feelings. I’ve spent my life threatening people and punching people. Hurting them was always the goal if I found out they had hurt Nick. But, with you, I can’t stand the thought that I hurt you.” Nate paused, but kept looking in my eyes. “Will you let me fix this, Libby?”
Chapter 27
Please, please, please let her allow me to fix this. I hate that I opened my big fat mouth and hurt this gorgeous girl. I’ve never felt bad about physically hurting anyone, it was usually m
y goal. I’ve never worried about hurting my family because I’m always kind and honest with them. I’ve never worried about hurting friends or girls I dated because they all always knew the score before anything ever started. But, this innocent girl was hurt by my dickhead comment and I seriously worried that she would walk away and not let me fix this.
Imagine my surprise and delight when the next words I heard coming from Libby’s beautiful mouth were, “How about you kiss me first so I can decide if there’s anything even worth fixing?” Libby has a look of total disbelief on her face, like she can’t even believe the words that are coming from her own mouth. It’s almost comical to watch the look of horror on her face as the words pour from her mouth as if she has no control of them. Her words and her sweet look of shock are enough to do me in. Damn, this girl.
Chapter 28
No, no, no…..I did NOT just seriously ASK a guy I barely know to kiss me! A guy who, until today, treated me with wariness and indifference. A guy who has slept with my sister. Oh. My. Gosh! No, no, no. What is wrong with me!?!? Please, tell me I fell asleep in my office and this is all just a dream. No, it’s a nightmare! That’s what it has to be! Nope, I for sure just heard a very real, very sexy growl rumble through Nate’s chest right before he inched toward me and put his hands on both sides of my face and crushed his mouth to mine. His lips are blazing hot yet they gentled immediately, almost like he realized this is something I’m not used to doing. He’s right, I’m definitely NOT used to a kiss that curls my toes! Austin Douglas was like kissing a toad compared to kissing Nathaniel Morgan. I NEVER had this type of reaction to kissing Austin! I’m pretty sure I moaned as I brought my arms up to his chest then moved them around behind his neck. Nate Morgan, the guy I just recently met, the guy who picks me over Audrey, the guy I just wantonly suggested should kiss me, is kissing ME! No, check that, Nate Morgan is now FRENCH kissing me. I feel his tongue gently probe at my lips then retreat. I may or may not have whimpered when his tongue left. But when he nipped at my bottom lip and I opened my mouth a bit in surprise, his tongue came back seeking entry. My insides melted like liquid metal as our tongues danced. Nate’s hand wrapped around the back of my neck and tilted my head to the side, allowing him to deepen the kiss. Just as my body felt like it was about to spontaneously combust, Nate slowed the kiss down, and then backed away with a few last little soft kisses against my lips. I am pretty sure I shuddered at the loss of his lips against mine. My heated body protested the cool air that took the place of his warmth as he stepped away from me. Nate looked at me with a dazed expression, smirked a little while shaking his head and ran his hand through his hair. Nate and I were both breathing as if we’d just sprinted around the track. I don’t know how he can fix this supposed misunderstanding, but I’m totally on Team Nate with hopes he can make me understand his hurtful words.